#navbar-iframe { display: none !important;} The Naked Page: Seriously Lost

The Naked Page

Author Jamie Sobrato's Diary


Seriously Lost

Does anyone have any freaking clue what's really happening on Lost? I mean, I would like to pretend I know what's going on, but I don't! Who are the Others? Why are they so freaky? Why do they steal kids and kill grown-ups? What is that giant mechanical monster thing? What's the deal with the button? And where did that crazy button guy run off to?

So many questions, and no freaking answers! I figured I'd try and study up before this week's episode. So I hop on over to the greatest time sink on the face of the planet, www.televisionwithoutpity.com, and all they have for last week's episode is a damn re-caplet. Not a whole recap. Grrr.

Why does Sayid have to lose his girl like five minutes after they finally get their groove on? How f-ed up is that? Well, it's true she was annoying as hell the whole first season and we kept wishing she'd get eaten by a wild pig, but then they let Sayid fall for her, and I do have a soft spot for him.

So I know there are message forums out there that discuss all the theories about what's happening on Lost. I am afraid to visit them though. I want to know, but I don't want to know.


At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

J. J. Abrams created Lost and Alias. Alias was only watchable for about two seasons before it got so repetetive and silly I couldn't watch it anymore. I wonder what the lifespan will be on Lost?

At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do watch Lost, mostly so I can look at Matthew Fox at this point. Though like you, I have a definite soft spot for Sayid. Does that man have the loveliest voice or what?

I have more hope for Lost than Alias because Lost has this otherworldliness to it that allows the impossible to be possible. I just hope it doesn't enter the realm of the absurd.

Alias you can sum up in a couple of lines. Sydney gets sent somewhere far away, she wears a silly costume and uses a silly accent until she is forced to kick someone's ass. Throw in as many new/formerly unknown relatives as possible and you have a show.

Oh, and I like to look at Sawyer too.

At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, I watch entirely too much TV. But look at it this way. It enhances your creativity....No no hear me out.

You might be sitting in a stupor watching Desperate Houswives, but then it hits you. Wouldn't that character make a great heroine in a book? Of course I'd change the name and make her slightly more neurotic, but the basic personality is perfect!

Throw her on a strange island with a good looking man......oh, that's already been done.

Need to watch more TV to get some more ideas.

At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, excellent point, Theresa. You're right, TV does feed our creativity. Even bad shows teach us things about characterization and plot structure. Hmm, maybe this is a blog-worthy topic (as opposed to sponge-worthy!)

Hmmmmmm, maybe this does need to be explored further.

Maybe I can justify my unreasoning love of the new Battlestar Gallactaca. How will I ever survive the mid-season hiatus?

At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

See the HTML tags listed below LEAVE YOUR COMMENT, use the b tag for bold, i for italics and a for......I don't know, I'll have to try that one.


But type the tags just as they are shown before the word (I'd show you here, but it wouldn't show up) and when you close the tag, that is end the part you want in italics or bold, you put a backslash before the letter. Does that make sense? If not I'll send you an email where I can actually write it out for you.

At 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, the a underlines the word. I should try that on Patrick's site, but I think others have said it doesn't work.

At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jamie, I sent you an email showing how to do the html tags. I think it should go through ok.(sometimes when you type the tags it just converts the text or doesn't show up at all) But since my email program doesn't require tags I think it'll leave them alone if I type them for demonstration purposes.

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's the little things Jamie.

At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Occassionally, they will play the previous Lost on Saturday, worth a look anyway. If you have a season pass for Lost, look and see if there are any upcoming episodes that are repeats and schedule it to record.

I am a TIVO addict! Can you tell?

At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We did check to see if it was going to be shone again. No such luck. :-( I will check Television Without Pity this weekend when I'm on vacation and can suffer the time sink.

Awwww man!


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