#navbar-iframe { display: none !important;} The Naked Page: May 2007

The Naked Page

Author Jamie Sobrato's Diary


Call Me Wicked

My next Blaze arrives in stores in June, and it's (as far as I know) the line's first book featuring a witch as a heroine. If you read The Sex Quotient last summer, you'll remember Lauren and Carson from that story, but I only hinted around in that book about Lauren's true non-mortal nature. Call Me Wicked is the sequel, in which Lauren and Carson reunite...

The back cover copy:

Lauren Parish's hottest fling was with Carson McCullen—a mortal and a huge no-no in her witching world. His reappearance in her life has her imagining many new steamy encounters. Too bad his timing sucks.

She's busy avoiding the witch-hunters who want her dead, and her only option is to go underground. And when the hunters spot Carson, he has to join her. Still, there are worse ways to pass the days than in seclusion with such a scrumptious man.

Before long their bedroom maneuvers make their previous affair seem G-rated. All too soon, however, they have to return to the real world…and the threat facing Lauren. Logically, she knows she should let Carson go. But how long can she go without this hot sex?


Pleasure for the Savvy Collector?

I was going to post about something else today, but when I went to Amazon.com to look up a link for the book I wanted to blog about, I noticed that my Golden Heart-winning Blaze, Pleasure for Pleasure, is selling there used for $20.


Original cover price? Probably about $4.50.